If you Live in Southern Tier in the vicinity of Rochester, Corning, Ithaca, Watkins Glen, Binghamton, the Finger Lakes and Genesee Valley or are situated near Mansfield, Gillett, Wellsboro, Coudersport, or E. Smithfield, then Southern Tier Water is your independent alternative for your water softener repair and installation needs.
What’s In Your Water And What Is Water Softening?
Water softening services help with hard or rusty water, or water with a foul odor. Municipal water is almost exclusively well water:…just a bigger well! Only the government charges you for it after they inject chlorine (a carcinogen-cancer causing agent) and usually some form of poly phosphates. The latter, being a sequestering agent to prevent the scaling of dissolved minerals in their pipes. (The same class of chemicals you’re not allowed to put into laundry soap aka “phosphate free”. But the government gets to define. They call it “food grade”.
Well Water Contamination
The existence of environmental H. pylori reservoirs has been suggested and epidemiological studies indicate that water can be a source of H. pylori infection. Studies have shown that there is a significant link between people who have Peptic Ulcer Disease and H. pylori bacteria contamination in their private well. Researchers found that a high percentage of wells (85%) that have Coliform bacteria also have the H. pylori bacteria and that 65% of private well water samples and 75% of surface water samples contained the H. pylori bacteria.
Our Water Softening Services Include:
- Water conditioning/softening
- Service on all make & models of filtration systems
- Water Softener Repairs
- Water Sotening Consultations
- Sulfur Water Treatment
- Iron filtration
- Disinfection
- Reverse Osmosis
- And much more!
Which Water Treament/Softening System Is Right For You?
We are independent water treatment professionals; that is, we are not bound by franchise obligations to sell only 1 brand of products nor are blindly loyal to any one brand. We allow your water’s chemistry to determine which unit is best for your individual water & your family’s needs. We take all this into consideration, along with our vast knowledge of water treatment products, when we make our professional recommendation. We like it this way because we are in the service business. The equipment we sell are only tools to make your water right. We don’t have commissioned sales people and we don’t believe in those high pressure techniques.